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The flexibility of the EFLAME architecture it allows to realize different configurations of the system in a modular way and evolutionary, ensuring maximum flexibility and protection of the investment. Depending on the type of system that you intend to create and the capacity of the connection networks available


EFLAME is able to detect possible outbreaks of fires of just 2m up to 4Km away. An area of ​​4Km radius corresponds to a controllable area of ​​5,000 Hectares equivalent to 50Km². The average cost of making a
monitoring system with EFLAME technology is estimated at about 1/100 of possible damage and extinction costs due to a fire. The cost / benefit ratio turns out be very favorable.


Through the EFLAME control software you can define with simple passages the characteristics of the area to be "scanned", the thresholds of pre-alarm and alarm and how to display the Images. You can then subdivide the area to be controlled in "sectors" and appropriately configure the motorized handling system to activate automatic scanning.


The Supervisory System presides over the
receipt of alarms, to any notification
of these significant events through a mailing list. The user interface allows the operator to connect to a site at any time to carry out detailed live monitoring both in the visible and in the infrared.


The Operator interface uses two monitors which are dedicated to separate function: one MAIN and the other for VISUALIZATION and site CONTROL. The software is powerful and tested and allows you to have full control of the territory.

Global vision

This monitor displays the list of remote sites controlled by the system and their geo-referenced location on a Google® Map.

Site control

it normally displays the images and data from the Camera Unit of the currently connected site. The operator can take control of the system remotely for carry out a targeted check.

Field Tests
Test 1

Fire type: GRAZING (1 m) 
Distance: 1400 m 
FOW: 0.7 m/pixel 
Time: 12:02

Results: Fire detected by the infrared camera, good images in the visible field.

Test 2

Fire type: GRAZING (0.8 m) 
Distance: 2200 m 
FOW: 1.1 m/pixel 
Time: 11:02

Results: Fire detected by the infrared camera, good images in the visible field.

Test 3

Fire type: PARTIALLY HIDDEN (1.5 m) 
Distance: 5300 m 
FOW: 2.65 m/pixel 
Time: 13:22

Results: Fire detected by the infrared camera, smoke detection in the visible field.

Contact us

We are at your disposal from monday to friday from 09:00 to 18:00 

040 375 5356 - Trieste  0523 498236 - Piacenza  info@elimos.it  vendite@elimos.it

Fields of application

Road haulage - Multi-location companies - Banks - Campsites - Construction sites - District homes Rest homes - Holiday centers - School districts - Land control - Private buildings - Public buildings - Photovoltaic - Large distr ibution - Hotels and resorts - Forest fires - Industry - Monitoring goods - Museums - Parking lots - Industrial weighing - Ecological platforms - Exhibition grounds - Residences and condominiums - Silo - Accommodation facilities - Waste-to-energy plants - Transport

AREA Science Park · Padriciano 99 - 34149 Trieste · Partita IVA 01098690322Tel: +39 040 3755356 (Trieste) / +39 0523 498236 (Piacenza) Email: info@elimos.it  / vendite@elimos.it · Copyright © 2005-2021All Rights Reserved ·